A Sample Worship Service : Broken Church will be online beginning in November! 


Greetings, and welcome to Broken Church. We are called Broken Church for many reasons,  as you can learn by simply walking through this website. For today, in this space, at this time, we're speaking to the fact that every church is broken, including this one, because it is filled with broken people. If we deny our brokenness, thinking we are perfect already, then we have no need of God. So today, let us accept that we are broken, and recognize how far away we are from His perfection, admit our need for Him in our lives, seek His forgiveness for those times when we have fallen, and humbly ask to enter His presence that we may worship Him. Please pray with me... 

Opening Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father. I come before you today in a pitiful state. I know I am far from perfect. I may be what the world considers a "good person," but that does not compare to your perfection. I know that I cannot enter Your presence with the wrong attitude, so as I check my heart right now, and I ask You to reveal all the times in the past when I have thought, spoken, or acted in ways that are not Your ways, please bring those events to mind right now. Let me  recognize that they are sin, recognize that each time they happened that I hurt You deeply. Father, please forgive me for any sins that have affected my relationship with You. Clean the slate, Father, so that I may enter Your presence, spend time in fellowship with You, receive Your love, Your strength and Your wisdom through the music, prayer and Scripture in this space. Help me to understand what it is You want me to learn today, and how to apply that to the days ahead. I ask these things in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Time of Fellowship 

The video below begins with a 5-minute count down. Please push play, then take a few moments to talk to your heavenly Father as you prepare your heart to worship Him. As you finish, if there are others with you, feel free to talk quietly among them and fellowship as you wait for others to finish.


Worship in Music

by Worship Leader Nathan Drake from Reawaken Hymns

     (These will soon be replaced by our very own videos) 

Worship in the Word

(These will soon be replaced by our very own videos) 

Invitational Song

A closing or invitational song is a song of worship that invites us to commit to the message God spoke to us today. For our invitation this week, we hope this heavenly medley by Anthem Lights will feed your soul and help you to walk in Christ's love and power until we join together again next week.  God bless.

(These will soon be replaced by our very own videos) 

Closing Prayer

Dear Abba Father. Thank You for loving me so deeply. Please allow the words spoken and sung here today to help me  come to know You more personally. May I gain a deeper understanding of who You are each week. Help me to understand Your purposes for me. Help me to find joy around me as I see things through Your eyes. Help me grasp the truths revealed to me today, and how to use them to walk through the world in a godly way, and may I point others to You in the process. I pray this in Jesus' powerful name, Amen.


Today's Music: We are privileged to have found Worship Leader Nathan Drake to stand in for us while we develop our website. Nathan Drake at Reawaken Hymns provides free music sets for churches to support their worship services, and we're so grateful to be able to offer these each week while we are working behind the scenes preparing to lead worship in September. Thank you Nathan! USE OF HYMNS: © Copyright 2018 by Nathan Drake. Reawaken Hymns arrangements, including chords charts, videos, and audio may be freely used by churches and individuals for worship. For any other non-commercial use, please contact me for permission. Commercial use forbidden without written consent.

 Today's sermon:  Alistair Begg, DDiv, Senior Pastor of Parkside Church, Cleveland, OH. “The man on the middle cross said I can come.”  An excerpt from the sermon “The Power and Message of the Cross,” which was preached at Baylor University's inaugural National Preaching Conference in 2019.