Prayer Walking

One of my favorite ways to reach out into my community is to Prayer Walk. This done by praying briefly for the families who live in the homes you pass by as you walk through your neighborhood. You can prayer walk on your own, or walk in a group.


So how do you pray? There may be toys in the yard, prompting you to pray for the salvation, health and safety of the children living there. You may see a yard that is unkempt, a house with dirty windows or a cluttered porch, and you may feel prompted to pray for the health and well-being of that person who may be elderly, disabled, or suffering from poor physical or mental health. Perhaps it is a beautiful home with a landscaped yard. How shall you pray for them? No one is without trouble, without suffering. Pray as you feel led. 


In the process of praying as you walk, you may encounter people in their yards, just arriving from the grocery store, out checking their mail, or pushing their toddler in a stroller. These are divine opportunities to connect with your neighbors. You can tell them what you are doing, and ask them how you can pray for them specifically. This may initiate relationships with your neighbors, and if you walk regularly people will begin to look for you. Many of them will ask you to pray for them. Some may find Jesus during their conversations with you. Anything is possible! This is a great way to look around you to see where God is already at work, and jump in! 


If you are feeling led to join in this ministry, please comment below your state/province and country. If you feel led, please share some of your stories, without sharing specific names of course. This allows others  to witness how God is at work around you. It will encourage them in their walk with Christ, and may inspire them to begin a prayer walking ministry of their own! May God bless you richly. Donna Rae, Broken for Christ


NOTE: NEVER knock on a door without the guidance and support of your local church group or law enforcement. Being a missionary does not mean intentionally putting yourself at risk. If you see a troubling environment at a home you pass by, please share this with your local church, or if you believe someone may be at risk, please contact your local law enforcement department so they can check on the family.  No matter what you see, your safety is your first priority. Call someone who is trained to handle potentially unstable situations.